Pop royalty is back; PRINCE. Yaaaas. He's only gone and announced that two new albums are to be released next month, zomg. What a little hard worker. One is just a straight up Prince album titled ART OFFICIAL AGE with two songs available to preview; Clouds and Breakdown. Both very RnBish and Soul-y, well it sounds like Prince really. The second album is with his touring band 3RDEYEGAL called PLECTRUMELECTRUM. This CAPS LOCK heavy album is much more my sound, the single PRETZELBODYLOGIC is just pure dirty funk rock. I feel like a total badass whenever I put it on. Pop on your metaphorical platform boots and strut your shit around. Both of the albums are due for release end of September- queue Glasto 2015 rumours... (here's hoping).
I've had little time for TV this week but when I have managed to set my peepers on the telly box, it's been for Celebrity Big Brother. (Audience boos). Say what you want but a bit of reality TV never hurt anyone and I, for one, find it bloomin' entertaining. This summer's line up isn't particularly dipping it's toes in the A-List pool, but when does it ever? I don't think that celebrity status matters because this mix of people is just perfect viewing. All I can tell you is Gary Busey. I spend 50% of the time wanting to slap him and the other 50% wanting to hug him, bless his little heart. It's worth a watch just to get your brain around how his brain works! Good luck to him and everyone that has to live with him!! I'm not sure I could... See for yourself on Channel Five every evening (UK).
Other TV news is that The X Factor is back and so are all the people on the interwebs writing about it. (Holla). Instead I thought I'd direct you to this amazing find by 'The Lad Bible' (usually the type of forum I stay clear of because they are often terribly offensive but this was too funny not to post). I couldn't find a way of embedding it to the post because it's from Facebook but click this sentence for the link yo'. You won't be disappointed, especially you tea drinkers...
I'm not one to make comment on what a woman does with her hair, because quite frankly it's their decision and their hair and they can do whatever they like. I cannot not comment on (and applaud) super-mega-babe, and current girl crush, Lena Dunham for her new 'do. Serial bowl-cut gal has gone platinum and it looks so amazingly amazing. I'm ready to call the 'dressers and bleach my hair to nothing. Lena's hair looked even more amazingly amazing when she was in Italia this week, serving up some 60s diva realness. Here's the look she shared on her instagram and I love everything about it; the hair, the lipstick, the shirt, the glasses, the backdrop. Sigh. We'll never be so chic. She also revealed via instagram a teaser for the new series of Girls. I cannot flippin' wait. ARGH. Until then I might just make this my phone screen wallpaper, *swoons*...
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http://instagram.com/lenadunham?utm_source=partner&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=photo |
Am I only dreaming? Or is this burning, an eternal.... wait, nope. I'm not dreaming. Half of the Friends cast did sort of reunite on a sort of set. Thank you Jimmy Kimmel for making this sort of a reality! I'm both torn knowing that a Friends reunion would ruin Friends but I still want it so bad! Just can't help it. Jennifer doesn't seem too happy which makes for a little uncomfortable viewing (see if you can see her mouth f*ck in protest), but it's the closest thing we got to a proper reunion! Huzzah. When I make my fortune (and that day will come), I shall invest a certain amount in building a friends replica set. Because I want to. Who doesn't want to have bacon sarni in the Monica's kitchen? Exactly. Here's the slightly awkward but ah-may-zing footage from the show;
Last little thing, I'm totally in love with Grimes' new release 'Go'. Plus the video is braid-tastic. Can't really ask for much more. Have a cheeky dance to this little one-
That's all of my things for this week, I'm probably missing some really important things but there's enough things here to be entertained for a short while. This week I plan to post about my top picks for Bestival and probably some other fabby things! (However, I will be moving house and who knows what's gonna go down with the internet so bear with me if I'm not about all the time. Bear with me, because I said so! x
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