And all that jazz.
Crack out the gramophone, it's time to get old school! Vintage beats just got a pop make over...
For those bored at whatever repetitive choruses the chart seem to be churning out, and even more for those who can't keep up with the hard-hitting dance industry that seems to have taken over the radio box, this one is for you, letting you change up your keep-it-cool two step for jazz hands.
Hit-and-miss music revolution Lady GaGa has announced that she will be releasing a Jazz record with the legend Tony Bennett (yaaaaaas), after the success of the two coming together to on the track 'Lady is a Tramp' a few years back. Working it's way onto my iPod, the first single Anything Goes, has been on repeat, Turning my boring walks through London town into strutting sessions through Downtown New York. A girl can dream...
Neighbours of mine better prepare themselves for some serious shower song-age when the album, Cheek to Cheek, drops on 23rd of September, because I will be getting my jazz on! (Slay mama).
Listen to the new single and feels like a 1940's mega-babe here;
You wake up: flawless. Post up: flawless remix.
Talking about slaying, how could I not mention the sudden release of Queen Bey's girl-power hit ***Flawless remix, this time joined by the self-proclaimed 'Queen of Rap' Nicki Minaj. When I woke up like this this morning, my twitter feed was taking off and I had to see what all the fuss is about. Now, Flawless is my fave song on that fabulous Beyoncé album so it was gonna be really difficult to improve on that, and I have to admit I'm not overly taken on the remix. Where as before the song sampled Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie reading her poetry, it loses something when switching up from a new verse from Nicki. I'm not saying she's not amazing, it's just it doesn't represent the same thing to me anymore. I'm not saying I don't still feel empowered because I do still feel like a boss bitch. But there is definitely something lost.
Have a listen and make up your own mind here!

A is for Alex or Arctic Monkeys.
As a fellow Alex, my ears certainly pricked up when other members of the (fabulous) club, Alexa Chung and Alex Turner, became a hot topic round the metaphorical water-cooler. Looking absolutely majestic in the housework-chic ensemble of leggings and an Arctic Monkeys tee (something I couldn't dare leave the house in, without looking like I'd forgotten to dress myself), Alexa sent the little internet into fashion-psychology frenzy; Wearing her exes band's tee? Oh em gee, what does it all mean!??!?! Who knows, she might have put it on just for kicks, the big tease! Whatever happens happens, or not. It's absolutely none of my business but I'll probably talk about it anyway, purely because I like the sound of my own name. Stay tuned for the development of the ultimate indie love affair.
Praise the Lorde.
And the Lord said 'Thou shalt be the sole curator of the new Hunger Games film' on twitter this week. No, not that higher power, exerting his musical talents over popular film franchises no, the other higher power-house Lorde. Sorry to disappoint you...
Aside from any bitterness stemming from my dislike of people who are both younger and more successful than me, I'm quite the fan of the fab, curly-haired, trend-setter, both musically and fashionably. The girl is so on trend! So what better way to be even more on trend then to choose what trendy tracks to put in the trendy film with that trendy actress Jennifer Lawrence in it? (Trend doesn't even sound like a real word anymore...). Although I have been following the series as I like what it represents to young readers, it's just not my cuppa, but I am totally ready to see what Lorde can do. Even more ready for her new song as the film's leading single. Totes exciting, one might say.
Seriously, it's really important for any of the young fans of both Lorde and The Hunger Games to see that there is a place for women in the film industry. So this announcement has got me hooting' and a hollering' some praise. Go hollywood, women's "important" roles aren't just a myth.
Fifty Shades of Feminism.
Talking of women in the film industry gives me a rather useful segue back to talking about that Fifty Shades trailer. Since the trailer's release a number of people have piped up (myself included) to give their opinion, but most people seem to be rapping on about why it's so damaging for women.
Now, if I was approaching this franchise as a writer, I would maybe say it's damaging, but as a feminist and as a woman I just can't agree. There's enough points and opinions and really interesting articles to write an entire post on this, and I probably will, but here's a few reasons why I will stand up for the film...
Firstly, it's written by a woman. A woman who initially had no audience but herself, so wrote purely to her own needs and interests. Anyone who has criticised the book for showing women as the weaker sex; the book is about subs and doms guys; there are women who are subdominant and enjoy it!
Secondly, it's written by a woman! For a female writer to do so well in a male-dominated society, we should celebrate and praise her. She wrote a thing, there was a gap in the market and she became very very successful. E L James, we salute you! Female success stories are super important.
Also, it's directed by a woman, Sam Taylor-Johnson. Do I need to mention the stigma around female directors in the film industry?!? You only have to type 'female director' into good to see a shred of what I'm chatting about. Here's an article, written by someone much more qualified than me, about female representation in the film industry: Click here.
Finally, and potentially the most crucial point to why the franchise is important for women is as follows; the book, no matter how you feel about it, has given women the guts to talk about and communicate their own sexual desires. And that is just bloody fantastic in my eyes.
Yes, the book is problematic in part (here's a very interesting article from the kink perspective; right here!), and obviously women are entitled to feel however they feel about the book, but for those shaming other women for enjoying reading the book or looking forward to the film I present you with this quote;
"Part of being a feminist is giving other women the space to make choices you don't necessarily agree with"- Lena Dunham (What a babe!)
In a bid to not be a hypocrite and because I like to learn, if you don't agree and want to challenge my views (in a considerate way), please leave me a comment or a link to an article, because I'm always happy to try to understand different points-of-view better. Ta pals!
-"But what else?"
Other releases this week include; The Hobbit Trailer; The Spongebob Trailer; Sharknado 2; Katy Perry's new single This Is How We Do, Lana Del Rey's new video for psychedelic Ultraviolence and probably many other things. Of course I have opinions at the ready, don't you worry! But you'll have to stick about for more, because I said so.
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