Alt-J at Reading Festival 2013 |
Alt-J / Taro
Alt-J's An Awesome Wave is beautiful throughout. I do not envy the person who had to pick out singles from a catalogue of songs that all deserved the limelight. However, 'Taro' is a completely standout track, an opinion which was really cemented for me when I saw it performed live. Aside for the fact that I was completely intoxicated and surrounded by bubble machines, it was such a indulgent moment that I cannot believe it was never turned out into a promotional single. (Thank God they decided to include it in the live act.)
Fall Out Boy / Just One Yesterday (Featuring Foxes)
Technically, the song does have a video, but so does every song on the 2013 Save Rock and Roll album, so it makes no real difference. Sigh. This song brought just enough pop and emotion to really break the band into some decent radio play. With the (at the time) relevant Foxes feature to really open up the fan-base demographic, I was always surprised they didn't get their promo on. Still, it is a song I have never skipped playing to this day and for an indecisive gal like me, that's an achievement in itself.
The Kills / Super-powerless
Not only did this track not get its time as a single, but it never even made it onto an album -actual shock horror. Released as a B-side track in 2007, 'Super-powerless' deserves way more credit, mostly for its red wine drinking reference. We all know what it's like to have a few beverages and think we're awesome until we go a bit far and end up trying to pay a taxi man with fried chicken (no, just me?) For those who sometimes use alcohol for the wrong reasons or get a little bit more than tipsy sometimes, this one's totally for you.
Lady GaGa / Gypsy
Quelle surprise, I didn't include the fan favourite 'Dance in the Dark' as a single that should've, would've, could've been. I admit, I agree. It should've been! But 'Gypsy' came at a time (ARTPOP / 2013) where nothing was really working out for Gaga. She didn't seem into it, the fans found it difficult to get into it and unsurprisingly the critics weren't into it either. Seeing her perform 'Gypsy' live gave everyone a little glimpse into the fun, hit-making and emotional artist we all missed, and I think if it had been released, the rest of the world would have gotten on board as well.
Palma Violets / Chicken Dippers
As you'd expect from a title that gives you an absolute hankering for processed chicken products, the song is fun! A cut from their debut album 180, the song lures you in with this sultry tempo and echoey yet harsh vocals and builds into intense, dirty choruses. Although the lyrics are minimalist (and are probably, definitely written about a ginger girl or someone who is legit on fire) the line 'you make me feel like I'm the only one' is delivered in such a way that you could almost believe it's one of the best written, heart-felt ballads of all time. (Stops writing to pursue chicken dippers.)
Red Hot Chili Peppers / She's Only 18
Stadium Arcadium is genius. I and many others I know still listen to it repeatedly. The songs and ideas remain relevant but contrastingly classic. At the time of its release, 'Dani California' and 'Snow' were perfect single choices, I wouldn't change that. Hump de Bump however, really? Two discs of perfectly single worthy songs and that's what was chosen? Nah. I played a little fantasy RHCP manager and decided to choose 'She's Only 18' as the finale cut to promote the album. Playful, forceful and catchy as hell.
M.O / Slow Love
No Mythologies to Follow remains one of my top albums of 2014. (I had to think twice about what year it is right now.) It's an album I have forced upon many a friend and to ease them into it, I've alway opted for Slow Love as an introduction. Much less 'poppy' and much more synth yet soulful than the other tracks on the album, her voice is simply dreamy and delicious. 'Slow Love' gives me visions of duty sunsets in London. It deserved the chance to be part of everyone else's memory as well.
Arctic Monkeys / Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You
Once again, a song that never made it to the album, only a B-side to 'Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?' it was certainly overlooked as an album track and I believe was (and is) well worthy. Catchier and more heartfelt than some of the slow-burners that did make it, the 'Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You', would've made a perfect final single to a string of perfect single. (Also, it is great to try and imitate a northern accent with)
There's a whole plethora of songs that I didn't get to talk about, I realise this. I also realise that these are all contemporary songs. However, the biggest revelation of this entire post is that album favourites often come with some kind of sentimental or nostalgic memory attached to them. So songs that I deem important because it scored some monumentally scarring, unrequited love I had at fourteen, may not actually sound that fab to the common ear. (See, this was so nearly a post about being single after all!) I also found out that most of the songs I thought deserved single status, had actually been released as a single and had flopped. Guess I don't know everything after all. Don't quit your day job Alex, because I said so. (Cries internally.)
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