Saturday, 13 September 2014

Corners of the Capital: St. Katherine's Dock

Summer is over. The sky is grey. You google last minute holidays. There is hope. There is sunshine. You see the price. Hope is lost. You have a glass of wine. You forget you live in Britain for a small amount of time. (Replace the word 'You' with 'I').
It may have been a pretty bloomin' awful for August this last week, but there are still exhausted rays of light emitting from the sun! If, like me, you can't afford that last minute getaway abroad to see the last of the summer, then you'll just have to make do with every second of sunshine you can get! Because we can't afford to travel abroad we've gotta find the next best thing and I think I may have found it. I'm talking full on French Riviera realness with added English weather for your summer at the tucked away St. Katherine's Dock.

It's located at the North base of Tower Bridge, because you know, when you want to forget what country you're in why not go to one of the most iconic London landmarks. Have a couple of glasses of wine and I'm sure it looks like any old bridge (probably not). But St.Katherine's Dock does host a few little spots for you to drink this wine and set your peepers on the nice big yachts docked that you can't afford. Zizzis have a restaurant there, offering up chill italian vibes with their garden overlooking the dock so you can eat and watch the little men paddle boarding at the same time. (Don't pretend you don't wish them to fall in, don't even try).

My flatmate and I decided to have a wander around the place, mainly because it was the closest Starbucks (forgive me). Nothing says holiday abroad like trying to find your closest amenities, am I right? As Starbucks' go, this one is pretty snazzy. Ignore your feelings about the company themselves and just enjoy this little dome of caffeinated pleasure! We took our drinks (non-alcohol, shocking), outside as they have outdoor seating, the place is too adorbs.

It's hard to imagine life without a yacht, so we sat and planned what one we'd own and what we'd do with it. It's a fun yet tragic game. Much like planning out what you'd buy if you won the lottery, half the fun is just imagining. So you can sit in amongst these massive vessels of dollar and imagine yourself sitting out in some far away marina, relaxed on your holiday, with nothing but the echo of London to remind you of home.

Dotting about Europe on your imaginary holiday you can visit Holland! The Dickins Inn, though very Britishly named, does have a very Holland-y look about it. Might be something to do with all the flowers. But if you don't want to pop your clogs at the sight of it then nothing will please you. Literally nothing.

So there is my little treat for you unexplorey types. I've done the exploring, all you have to do is go enjoy it. It's possibly the closest thing to going on holiday you can get without spending any dollar (minus oyster top up) ((and/or your drink of choice)). You should definitely go and feel not in London whilst being in London, because I said so.

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