I did a thing this week. I left the comfy confines of my bedroom to go to the cinema. From one dark room to another. My flatmates and I decided on The Guest, because it was the only film that we could all agree on. (I vetoed anything supernatural, and Ben vetoed anything with Cameron Diaz in) ((Soz Cam)). The advert didn't really give to much away, other than that there was a guest, and I'm pretty sure we figured that out from the title, but it was the only thing that no one was completely opposed to so that was that. To mine and everyone else's surprise, it was super super good. Picking up all the good parts of 80s thriller cinema, mixing it with contemporary camera work and setting it to a heavily stylised soundtrack made for a stunning experience. Now, I won't go as far to say the film didn't have flaws. There was a definitely lull halfway through and it seemed all predictable and I was ready to write the film off as a bad'en. There were also some very interesting moments of pure psychotic cheese in the way of lingering shots of crazy stares. But you get past this and it's suddenly a back catalogue of all the good-cheesy thrillers and horrors of yesteryear. Also, in a much more shallow review, I would comment on how creepily hot the protagonist is, something endearing about psychotic guys who can carry beer kegs with ease, am I right? I would give it a good 6 or 7/10.
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Source: http://www.sundance.org/images/filmguide/2014/13890-1.jpg |
Fall Out Boy are riding the comeback wave, still, with their new track 'Centuries'. Who am I to tell 'em to get off the metaphorical surf board? Many, many moons ago a 16 year old me legitimately wept at the news the band were going on hiatus. Four years later, a supposedly more cool version of me, who had completely shelved the idea of them returning, wept once more at the news of their return. So it's safe to say that I'm a little biased. I just love 'em. They remind me of being a kid with no responsibilities other than checking online updates everyday for Pete Wentz' hair. I have no regrets. Anyway, returning once more only just after they returned for the first time (breath), they have a new song and good golly, a new album on the way. I tuned into Zane Lowe's show on Radio One (BBC) to hear the very first play of the new track + interview, because I'm a uni student with nothing better to do on a Monday night. It took me a couple of listens I must admit. I didn't dislike it but I wasn't wowed either. Days have passed, songs have been played and I am now a full fledged lover of this tune. Listen below, fo'reals. It's totally dramatic.
From singles to albums, there's been one album that I have become addicted to. I'm not convinced I can actually start my day without listening to it. It's Banks' new release 'Goddess'. Bit of a tonal shift from FOB, but a gooden nonetheless. It's equally dramatic and full of cleverly written lines that you desperately want to passively indirect tweet at people. The album in full is honestly an exhibition in versatility, from haunting, stripped piano ballads, to intense electronic layers. It's beautiful. I feel like I'm at full goddess status when I'm strutting myself to work listening. My fave songs are Brain, Drowning, Goddess and pretty much every single song on the damn album.
This next bit o' news is the best damn news I have heard all damn year. It's a well needed bit of news in today's world too. That wonderful news is that Gilmore Girls will be on Netflix in October, every single episode. Damn. I'm so ruddy excited, honestly it's made my year. As I turn 21 in October it is clearly an early birthday present to me, from my very good pal Mr Netflix (we spend every weekend together). I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to function in day to day life now I'll have all this new telly watching, it doesn't look promising for my third and final year at university, whoops. Now I can spend every Sunday tucked up watching Lorelai and Rory, just wishing I had birthed a child at 16 and we had become bezzie pals. If you haven't got Netflix already, now is the time to get that first month free, I'm telling you.
So that's what has happened this week that is of any interest to me, so is now of possibly some interest to you. I urger you to see/listen/enjoy these things, or just carry on as you were. Because I said so.
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