The response of everyone when I tell them I'm on the festive hype. I'm well and truly feeling it guys- Christmas is upon us! I might have wandered up to the Liberty's Christmas section whilst out for coffee in Carnaby Street, whoops. I can't tell you how utterly fab it was. I am now so ready to spend the entirety of the time between now and the big day in a little food coma, induced by too many mince pies, with that Michael Bublé christmas album playing merrily on repeat. I'm ready to hear those sleigh bells jingling I tell you! Aside from running the risk that my excitement will burn out too early- there's definitely some plus points to getting christmassy early and I'm gonna damn well tell you 'em.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
But it's not even Halloween yet...
'But it's not even Halloween yet!?'
The response of everyone when I tell them I'm on the festive hype. I'm well and truly feeling it guys- Christmas is upon us! I might have wandered up to the Liberty's Christmas section whilst out for coffee in Carnaby Street, whoops. I can't tell you how utterly fab it was. I am now so ready to spend the entirety of the time between now and the big day in a little food coma, induced by too many mince pies, with that Michael Bublé christmas album playing merrily on repeat. I'm ready to hear those sleigh bells jingling I tell you! Aside from running the risk that my excitement will burn out too early- there's definitely some plus points to getting christmassy early and I'm gonna damn well tell you 'em.
-Organisation realness! I am, perhaps, one of the least organised people about. I'm also pretty poor most of the time. As a direct result of this I left present buying last year until the last minute, only to realise that I didn't have any money to actually buy anyone a last minute present. Whoops. It was a quiet christmas in my household, don't rock up on Christmas day like Beyonce up here. I've turned it around this year with many presents already bought. It's the perfect student way! Spending little and often. Another plus to buying presents now means that I miss all the Christmas hustle of panic-stricken, crazy-eyed shoppers. Fabulous! Hopefully by the time that Christmas finally does roll around I'll be making it rain with presents for my people. Just call me Santa...
- TURN DOWN (christmas food) FOR WHAT? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The shops are already stocking it, so why should I not be buying it. Christmas food people! I'm talking sugary, cinnamony, festive food goodness. Early roll outs of christmas aisles in grocery stores means I have around three months to pig out on mince pies, yule log, candy canes and so on. I'll have no teeth and an even bigger stomach by the end of it but, it's christmas!
- Can I watch Elf yet? I probably ask myself this on a weekly basis. When is it right to start watching Christmas films? With all this extra festive time I've afforded myself, I have the potential to really crack through some christmas films. Most years I find myself limited to the big five; The Santa Clause, Elf, The Grinch, Miracle on 34th Street and Love Actually. But now I can have a look at some of the other fabulous titles; Nightmare Before Christmas, Muppet's Christmas Carol, Christmas with the Kranks, The Holiday, Bad Santa, It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas! You get me, there's a lot. When I'm done with that list, I'll probably watch the Christmas 24 channel. Christmas films- 24 hours a day. Bloomin' wonderful- it really is a wonderful life...
- Getting snug as a bug in a rug. Alternatively, cats in baskets. Even more alternatively, humans in Christmas Jumpers! Nothing says 'snug' like an ugly christmas jumper. Growing ever so quickly in popularity, christmas jumpers have become the festive season staple, even being granted their own party. Why sit in the cold cold autumn without one on!? It's madness I tell you. Then there's the other half to being super cosy and snug- candles. I'm a massive fan of candles all year round so when the cinnamon spice candles appear on the shelves I know it's time.
Tell those Grinches where to stick it. Get yourself a mug of hot chocolate, pop on the best Michael Bublé's christmas hits, snuggle up in a blanket and I promise you'll find it very difficult not feel all warm and happy inside. Repeat for the next two and half months for festive bliss. Because I said so.
The response of everyone when I tell them I'm on the festive hype. I'm well and truly feeling it guys- Christmas is upon us! I might have wandered up to the Liberty's Christmas section whilst out for coffee in Carnaby Street, whoops. I can't tell you how utterly fab it was. I am now so ready to spend the entirety of the time between now and the big day in a little food coma, induced by too many mince pies, with that Michael Bublé christmas album playing merrily on repeat. I'm ready to hear those sleigh bells jingling I tell you! Aside from running the risk that my excitement will burn out too early- there's definitely some plus points to getting christmassy early and I'm gonna damn well tell you 'em.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
It's not you, it's me.
Between my last post in September and now a whole heck of stuff has gone on, and I'm sorry to say I haven't written a single thing about it. No grammatical-error-filled-yet-charming writing for you guys. If you're sitting wondering why your twitter feed hasn't been riddled with my opinions and ideas then wonder no longer- here's a cheeky little post about what's been going on in my life and what to expect in the future!!
-I moved into a new house in Greenwich which is super super cute (despite being the most wonky, crooked house ever). I've spent a good portion of the last month filling the place with candles and other bits to make it feel homely, mostly candles. Even my flatmates are starting to get on board with the candle hype. Yaaaas. Talking of candles; has anyone seen the Yankee Candle advent calendar!? I am so damn ready to have that in my life. Christmas cannot come any sooner.
-I attended Fresher's week- again! In fact I worked most of it; supplying scared little teenagers with cheap booze to ease into uni life. It's my third and final year so I'm probably not going to experience this again, sigh. Although I'm sure I'll drink like a fresher for a good while yet, when I'm not working on the wrong side of the bar.
-I started my third year of my university degree! This means thinking about actually doing the reading and work to get my grade to where I want it. Two years of saying 'it doesn't count yet' has finally caught up with me, as have the reading lists. If you spot me around Greenwich, it's probably with my nose in a book.
-I'm writing again! Yaaaas. I'm currently working on a series of short stories which I'm very excited about (and still motivated to write) ((which is extremely rare)). Hopefully they will be exhibited around July next year and I want to curate something big and visual and special with some paintings as well. It's gonna be a big deal guys. Talking of big deals, I'm in the research and thinking stages of starting a novel. So, you can probably tell that my typing time has been well and truly taken up, leaving my blog out in the cold. Cries forever.
-And in between all these on going things in my life I've done a bloody lot else; went to see Blondie as part of iTunes Festival in Camden; listened to so many new awesome albums that have been released; bought too many Lush products; went to see Gone Girl which I desperately want and need to review for yous; attended a masquerade ball; bought Glastonbury Tickets; had cocktails with my gals; eaten too many takeaways; slept very little... (And breathe!)
So, I'm really hoping to sort my schedule out soon. There's only so many times I can tell myself I'm going to blog when my timing is better, but it just doesn't seem to be calming down. September has been truly exhausting but also bloomin' fabulous, it's such a shame I couldn't blog more throughout it.
I have so much coming up in October (it's my birthday yo') and I'd love to share and write it up for me as much as anyone else, so fingers crossed I'll be back in the game very very soon. Please keep an eye out for future posts, because I said so...
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Opinion Piece
I did a thing this week. I left the comfy confines of my bedroom to go to the cinema. From one dark room to another. My flatmates and I decided on The Guest, because it was the only film that we could all agree on. (I vetoed anything supernatural, and Ben vetoed anything with Cameron Diaz in) ((Soz Cam)). The advert didn't really give to much away, other than that there was a guest, and I'm pretty sure we figured that out from the title, but it was the only thing that no one was completely opposed to so that was that. To mine and everyone else's surprise, it was super super good. Picking up all the good parts of 80s thriller cinema, mixing it with contemporary camera work and setting it to a heavily stylised soundtrack made for a stunning experience. Now, I won't go as far to say the film didn't have flaws. There was a definitely lull halfway through and it seemed all predictable and I was ready to write the film off as a bad'en. There were also some very interesting moments of pure psychotic cheese in the way of lingering shots of crazy stares. But you get past this and it's suddenly a back catalogue of all the good-cheesy thrillers and horrors of yesteryear. Also, in a much more shallow review, I would comment on how creepily hot the protagonist is, something endearing about psychotic guys who can carry beer kegs with ease, am I right? I would give it a good 6 or 7/10.
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Fall Out Boy are riding the comeback wave, still, with their new track 'Centuries'. Who am I to tell 'em to get off the metaphorical surf board? Many, many moons ago a 16 year old me legitimately wept at the news the band were going on hiatus. Four years later, a supposedly more cool version of me, who had completely shelved the idea of them returning, wept once more at the news of their return. So it's safe to say that I'm a little biased. I just love 'em. They remind me of being a kid with no responsibilities other than checking online updates everyday for Pete Wentz' hair. I have no regrets. Anyway, returning once more only just after they returned for the first time (breath), they have a new song and good golly, a new album on the way. I tuned into Zane Lowe's show on Radio One (BBC) to hear the very first play of the new track + interview, because I'm a uni student with nothing better to do on a Monday night. It took me a couple of listens I must admit. I didn't dislike it but I wasn't wowed either. Days have passed, songs have been played and I am now a full fledged lover of this tune. Listen below, fo'reals. It's totally dramatic.
From singles to albums, there's been one album that I have become addicted to. I'm not convinced I can actually start my day without listening to it. It's Banks' new release 'Goddess'. Bit of a tonal shift from FOB, but a gooden nonetheless. It's equally dramatic and full of cleverly written lines that you desperately want to passively indirect tweet at people. The album in full is honestly an exhibition in versatility, from haunting, stripped piano ballads, to intense electronic layers. It's beautiful. I feel like I'm at full goddess status when I'm strutting myself to work listening. My fave songs are Brain, Drowning, Goddess and pretty much every single song on the damn album.
This next bit o' news is the best damn news I have heard all damn year. It's a well needed bit of news in today's world too. That wonderful news is that Gilmore Girls will be on Netflix in October, every single episode. Damn. I'm so ruddy excited, honestly it's made my year. As I turn 21 in October it is clearly an early birthday present to me, from my very good pal Mr Netflix (we spend every weekend together). I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to function in day to day life now I'll have all this new telly watching, it doesn't look promising for my third and final year at university, whoops. Now I can spend every Sunday tucked up watching Lorelai and Rory, just wishing I had birthed a child at 16 and we had become bezzie pals. If you haven't got Netflix already, now is the time to get that first month free, I'm telling you.
So that's what has happened this week that is of any interest to me, so is now of possibly some interest to you. I urger you to see/listen/enjoy these things, or just carry on as you were. Because I said so.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Corners of the Capital: St. Katherine's Dock
Summer is over. The sky is grey. You google last minute holidays. There is hope. There is sunshine. You see the price. Hope is lost. You have a glass of wine. You forget you live in Britain for a small amount of time. (Replace the word 'You' with 'I').
It may have been a pretty bloomin' awful for August this last week, but there are still exhausted rays of light emitting from the sun! If, like me, you can't afford that last minute getaway abroad to see the last of the summer, then you'll just have to make do with every second of sunshine you can get! Because we can't afford to travel abroad we've gotta find the next best thing and I think I may have found it. I'm talking full on French Riviera realness with added English weather for your summer at the tucked away St. Katherine's Dock.
It's located at the North base of Tower Bridge, because you know, when you want to forget what country you're in why not go to one of the most iconic London landmarks. Have a couple of glasses of wine and I'm sure it looks like any old bridge (probably not). But St.Katherine's Dock does host a few little spots for you to drink this wine and set your peepers on the nice big yachts docked that you can't afford. Zizzis have a restaurant there, offering up chill italian vibes with their garden overlooking the dock so you can eat and watch the little men paddle boarding at the same time. (Don't pretend you don't wish them to fall in, don't even try).
My flatmate and I decided to have a wander around the place, mainly because it was the closest Starbucks (forgive me). Nothing says holiday abroad like trying to find your closest amenities, am I right? As Starbucks' go, this one is pretty snazzy. Ignore your feelings about the company themselves and just enjoy this little dome of caffeinated pleasure! We took our drinks (non-alcohol, shocking), outside as they have outdoor seating, the place is too adorbs.
It's hard to imagine life without a yacht, so we sat and planned what one we'd own and what we'd do with it. It's a fun yet tragic game. Much like planning out what you'd buy if you won the lottery, half the fun is just imagining. So you can sit in amongst these massive vessels of dollar and imagine yourself sitting out in some far away marina, relaxed on your holiday, with nothing but the echo of London to remind you of home.
Dotting about Europe on your imaginary holiday you can visit Holland! The Dickins Inn, though very Britishly named, does have a very Holland-y look about it. Might be something to do with all the flowers. But if you don't want to pop your clogs at the sight of it then nothing will please you. Literally nothing.
So there is my little treat for you unexplorey types. I've done the exploring, all you have to do is go enjoy it. It's possibly the closest thing to going on holiday you can get without spending any dollar (minus oyster top up) ((and/or your drink of choice)). You should definitely go and feel not in London whilst being in London, because I said so.
It may have been a pretty bloomin' awful for August this last week, but there are still exhausted rays of light emitting from the sun! If, like me, you can't afford that last minute getaway abroad to see the last of the summer, then you'll just have to make do with every second of sunshine you can get! Because we can't afford to travel abroad we've gotta find the next best thing and I think I may have found it. I'm talking full on French Riviera realness with added English weather for your summer at the tucked away St. Katherine's Dock.
It's located at the North base of Tower Bridge, because you know, when you want to forget what country you're in why not go to one of the most iconic London landmarks. Have a couple of glasses of wine and I'm sure it looks like any old bridge (probably not). But St.Katherine's Dock does host a few little spots for you to drink this wine and set your peepers on the nice big yachts docked that you can't afford. Zizzis have a restaurant there, offering up chill italian vibes with their garden overlooking the dock so you can eat and watch the little men paddle boarding at the same time. (Don't pretend you don't wish them to fall in, don't even try).
My flatmate and I decided to have a wander around the place, mainly because it was the closest Starbucks (forgive me). Nothing says holiday abroad like trying to find your closest amenities, am I right? As Starbucks' go, this one is pretty snazzy. Ignore your feelings about the company themselves and just enjoy this little dome of caffeinated pleasure! We took our drinks (non-alcohol, shocking), outside as they have outdoor seating, the place is too adorbs.
It's hard to imagine life without a yacht, so we sat and planned what one we'd own and what we'd do with it. It's a fun yet tragic game. Much like planning out what you'd buy if you won the lottery, half the fun is just imagining. So you can sit in amongst these massive vessels of dollar and imagine yourself sitting out in some far away marina, relaxed on your holiday, with nothing but the echo of London to remind you of home.
Dotting about Europe on your imaginary holiday you can visit Holland! The Dickins Inn, though very Britishly named, does have a very Holland-y look about it. Might be something to do with all the flowers. But if you don't want to pop your clogs at the sight of it then nothing will please you. Literally nothing.
So there is my little treat for you unexplorey types. I've done the exploring, all you have to do is go enjoy it. It's possibly the closest thing to going on holiday you can get without spending any dollar (minus oyster top up) ((and/or your drink of choice)). You should definitely go and feel not in London whilst being in London, because I said so.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Corners of the Capital: National Selfie Gallery
What do we want? SELFIES! When do we want them? ALWAYS!
What can I say, we're a generation that loves a cheeky self portrait. Nothing better than catching yourself on a good face day at the right angle and being able to show all your peers how fabulous you look. There just isn't, don't fight me on this one. One dares not to think of how we all survived without the front facing camera. In fact, one dares not to think about how we got on without phones, camera and technology at all! FEAR NOT. They did get on without them and they were still able to show off their fabulous faces to all their peers and colleagues the same- in painting form!I'm talking about the ancestor of the beloved selfie, the self portrait! Where better to go and marvel and worship our love for anything face than at the National Portrait Gallery in good ol' London town.
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(Source: ART X SMART by Kim Dong-kyu- super talented artist, check 'em out) |
If you wander your butt upstairs at the gallery you'll find the more historical sections or, if you choose to see it that way, the section where all the selfies have the used the sepia instagram filter. Nothing looks more dramatic than the muted tones of history. Plus with no other media or technology available to help create the pieces, y'all know the person had to sit in front of the artist for hours upon hours to get the painting right. Now, I know the perfect selfie can take a while to find, apparently it takes up around 16 minutes of your day, but sitting for an old school portrait is full on dedication. We salute you!
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(Source: ART X SMART by Kim Dong-kyu) |
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© Marc Quinn. Photography by Todd-White Art Photography, courtesy White Cube, London |

Imagine a time before the front-facing camera existed, I know it's difficult. But there was a time when any good selfie had to be taken in the mirror, creating the selfie-ception effect. (If you're struggling to remember, go look on your old Myspace and I'm sure you'll find what I'm talking about. This year's BP Portrait Award houses the painting equivalent of just that! It's all paint-ception in Tim Hall's painting 'Henrietta and Ollie'.
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Henrietta and Ollie by Tim Hall, 2014 © Tim Hall |
So yeah, visit the National Portrait (Selfie) Gallery to really feel the history of making face. On a serious note, this year's BP Portrait Exhibition is super amazing and will make you question the ability of your own hands! It's genuinely one of my favourite spots in London and you'll often find me wasting hours, peacefully walking around taking it all in. The latest BP exhibition is open until 21st of September so try to visit before it's over, it's free!! Go and do it because I said so.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
How to Survive: Freshers
So I went to my SU bar last night and whilst I was sitting there in my jelly shoes with my legs unshaven and discussing that being on the Great British Bake Off is probably the best personal ad. you could put out, I noticed that I was surrounded by young'ens with heels and hair, all dolled up and happenin'. That can only mean one thing; people who really care about first impressions, ergo Freshers!
Right about now there are honestly heaps of internet people telling you what's going to happen at freshers and what you should be taking with you and teaching you more than you'll probably learn in the three years of your course. So, I'm thinking I might as well throw my two cents in too! I've been to uni, I was a fresher once. I'm going to go ahead and say that my words are qualified words and you, dear fresher, should listen. So here's my unofficial fresher's rules. Probably applies to everyone, but not really.
Your morals will be desensitised. You will become a worse version of yourself and that's okay. You will probably steal something of your flatmate's, whether it be a little bit of orange squash when you're hungover to get the taste of vodka out of your mouth and water just doesn't cut it or, maybe a couple of biscuits that they've left out on the side when you're starving and poor, it's going to happen. It doesn't make you a bad person. You will definitely forget something important like salt or oil so you'll steal that too. But it's okay. They'll steal your stuff right back. When that plate you've been missing turns up five weeks later in your pal's room don't get mad, get even. You definitely won't be mad about that missing mug when you're tucking into their block of cheese. There will be much worse things to get mad at, like why you said what you said after your 7th tequila.
You will become a liar. It's the only way to get by. Do you have any mugs I can borrow? No. (hides spare mugs forever). Do you have any toilet roll? No. (toilet roll is expensive). Have you ever had a threesome? Sure. Do you smoke? Yeah, obviously. Was that you smoking in our kitchen? What, no I don't even smoke. Did you get with him last night? No. Did you get with him last night? Yeah. Did you get with her last night? Probably. Do you want to come out tonight instead of stay in with pizza and netflix by yourself? Of course I want to. Where were you last night? Definitely not sitting indoors watching X-Factor with pizza. Lies. All of them lies. It's not a sin, I tells ya. Some of these lies will be told at freshers when you're trying to impress everyone, some of them will be told later in the year when you stop caring about people. Sighs. Everyone does it.
You will live with a Grinch. The one that steals Christmas. As in the one that refuses to chip in for a fake Christmas tree but still eats the candy canes anyway. You'll either all have to suffer so that one person gets no joy for free, or you'll let it go. Probably the former. You might also live with a ghost. I'm not talking creepy dead people walking through walls, I'm talking about that one roommate that you've never really seen unless it's at the early hours. You will go on with your separate lives and you will never even think about them again. (Until you write a blog post about freshers).
There will 100% be arguments with the people you plan to move in with for second year. You might not ever speak to them again. Living in halls is just a cauldron of emotion, with alcohol and hormones stirring the god damn pot. So, I'd say you're pretty bloomin' lucky if you don't end up screaming that you hate someone because they liked the house with the blue sofas over the one that's shorter walking distance to University. Someone once said that the people you meet in your early 20s are often temporary. For the most part it's probably true, but you'll also meet your new besties. So it's swings and roundabouts. It's super rare to find someone who loves all the people they live with first year. It's okay for you to not love everyone. It's okay that not everyone will love you.
Uni life is probably different to what you're imagining. Everybody goes in with a preconceived notion of what to expect, everybody comes out with a completely different experience. No two person's journey will be the same. Some will be expecting something like out of Skins (E4) and get something more tame, probably to do with not having enough money to go out, again. Some will be thinking about knuckling down and having a quiet time coasting but end up at flat parties every night. You just don't know what you're going to get. It's a bit like those boxes you get a museums where you stick your hand in the flap and just have to feel around without being able to see what it is. So just wait until you stick your hand into the metaphorical box and have a good ol' feel about. It's probably not what you were thinking.
This is me, telling you some things that may or may not be useful for the up and coming move into fresher's week. If you have any tips or advice pls leave a cheeky comment below!! I'm in my final year now so am planning to hit it just as hard as any of the youngens! Whether it's your first or last year make the most of it because it's a bloody unique experience. Don't be a Grinch, because I said so.
Right about now there are honestly heaps of internet people telling you what's going to happen at freshers and what you should be taking with you and teaching you more than you'll probably learn in the three years of your course. So, I'm thinking I might as well throw my two cents in too! I've been to uni, I was a fresher once. I'm going to go ahead and say that my words are qualified words and you, dear fresher, should listen. So here's my unofficial fresher's rules. Probably applies to everyone, but not really.
Your morals will be desensitised. You will become a worse version of yourself and that's okay. You will probably steal something of your flatmate's, whether it be a little bit of orange squash when you're hungover to get the taste of vodka out of your mouth and water just doesn't cut it or, maybe a couple of biscuits that they've left out on the side when you're starving and poor, it's going to happen. It doesn't make you a bad person. You will definitely forget something important like salt or oil so you'll steal that too. But it's okay. They'll steal your stuff right back. When that plate you've been missing turns up five weeks later in your pal's room don't get mad, get even. You definitely won't be mad about that missing mug when you're tucking into their block of cheese. There will be much worse things to get mad at, like why you said what you said after your 7th tequila.
You will become a liar. It's the only way to get by. Do you have any mugs I can borrow? No. (hides spare mugs forever). Do you have any toilet roll? No. (toilet roll is expensive). Have you ever had a threesome? Sure. Do you smoke? Yeah, obviously. Was that you smoking in our kitchen? What, no I don't even smoke. Did you get with him last night? No. Did you get with him last night? Yeah. Did you get with her last night? Probably. Do you want to come out tonight instead of stay in with pizza and netflix by yourself? Of course I want to. Where were you last night? Definitely not sitting indoors watching X-Factor with pizza. Lies. All of them lies. It's not a sin, I tells ya. Some of these lies will be told at freshers when you're trying to impress everyone, some of them will be told later in the year when you stop caring about people. Sighs. Everyone does it.
You will live with a Grinch. The one that steals Christmas. As in the one that refuses to chip in for a fake Christmas tree but still eats the candy canes anyway. You'll either all have to suffer so that one person gets no joy for free, or you'll let it go. Probably the former. You might also live with a ghost. I'm not talking creepy dead people walking through walls, I'm talking about that one roommate that you've never really seen unless it's at the early hours. You will go on with your separate lives and you will never even think about them again. (Until you write a blog post about freshers).
There will 100% be arguments with the people you plan to move in with for second year. You might not ever speak to them again. Living in halls is just a cauldron of emotion, with alcohol and hormones stirring the god damn pot. So, I'd say you're pretty bloomin' lucky if you don't end up screaming that you hate someone because they liked the house with the blue sofas over the one that's shorter walking distance to University. Someone once said that the people you meet in your early 20s are often temporary. For the most part it's probably true, but you'll also meet your new besties. So it's swings and roundabouts. It's super rare to find someone who loves all the people they live with first year. It's okay for you to not love everyone. It's okay that not everyone will love you.
Uni life is probably different to what you're imagining. Everybody goes in with a preconceived notion of what to expect, everybody comes out with a completely different experience. No two person's journey will be the same. Some will be expecting something like out of Skins (E4) and get something more tame, probably to do with not having enough money to go out, again. Some will be thinking about knuckling down and having a quiet time coasting but end up at flat parties every night. You just don't know what you're going to get. It's a bit like those boxes you get a museums where you stick your hand in the flap and just have to feel around without being able to see what it is. So just wait until you stick your hand into the metaphorical box and have a good ol' feel about. It's probably not what you were thinking.
This is me, telling you some things that may or may not be useful for the up and coming move into fresher's week. If you have any tips or advice pls leave a cheeky comment below!! I'm in my final year now so am planning to hit it just as hard as any of the youngens! Whether it's your first or last year make the most of it because it's a bloody unique experience. Don't be a Grinch, because I said so.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
R.I.P Festival Season 2014
We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of the summer season. This weekend brings Bestival but also brings the end, the goodbye to festival season 2014. There's been some amazing sets (here's looking at you Miss Dolly) and there's been some frankly disappointing sets (ahem, Arctic Monkeys...) and there's been everything in between! A musical roller-coaster of a summer, one might say. It's a tough time, but we gotta let it go (and start planning for 2015, obvs).
My festival experience this year came from Glastonbury; here's some fabulously awful pictures to commemorate the weekend...
Hold up! Let's not get too emotional already, it's not over yet! To prove it, here my top picks of bestival! There's one last dance left...
The main event- I can't tell you enough and I'm sure you can tell me right back that the headline acts are bloody brill! I can't pick a top one between them. Outkast. Outkast!! There are no words. Then Foals, who are just so fabulous. I caught a bit of their set at Reading last year and want more, so much more. Followed by the oh so chic, Chic. (I couldn't not). It's the perfect way to dance your evening away. It's just perfect okay!? I actually can't pick between these three so they share a spot. They're all headliners for a reason.
Have a song from each to get you in the mood (or realise what you're missing out on).
My festival experience this year came from Glastonbury; here's some fabulously awful pictures to commemorate the weekend...
Hold up! Let's not get too emotional already, it's not over yet! To prove it, here my top picks of bestival! There's one last dance left...
The main event- I can't tell you enough and I'm sure you can tell me right back that the headline acts are bloody brill! I can't pick a top one between them. Outkast. Outkast!! There are no words. Then Foals, who are just so fabulous. I caught a bit of their set at Reading last year and want more, so much more. Followed by the oh so chic, Chic. (I couldn't not). It's the perfect way to dance your evening away. It's just perfect okay!? I actually can't pick between these three so they share a spot. They're all headliners for a reason.
Have a song from each to get you in the mood (or realise what you're missing out on).
2003 realness: Outkast- Roses
Energetic and emphatic: Foals- Inhaler
Do as you're told: Chic- Everybody Dance
The brilliantly brilliant Indiana is definitely on my radar. I keep hearing her on the radio and I'm not complaining. Her music is right up my street, her voice is hauntingly gorgeous and she just seems proper cool, like she'd be able to take you to the best unknown bars in town. Cool or no cool, her songs are worth a listen. Another artist I reckon will be around a lot more next year, so if you catch her at Bestival you can be one of those dicks that let everybody know you've seen her before she went mainstream. Why not?
Indiana- Mess Around
Although I won't be there this weekend I do have tickets to see the (probably) lovely Mø. I say probably because I've never actually met the woman so I can't determine if she likes cats or not. You never know. 'No Mythologies to Follow' has been the soundtrack to my summer, on repeat any time a little sunshine has come peeping through. I'm desperate to her live, so her date at Shephard's Bush couldn't come sooner! Catch her at Bestival first to get your dance on. Yaaas.
Mø- Slow Love
There are so many other acts I'd have to see, including ones I've mentioned for other festivals (Chvrches, SBTRKT, Sam Smith, Temples et cetera), it's such a ruddy good line up. If I had a spare 200 quid I'd be there in a shot. But I don't have a spare 200 quid, so I'll have to just imagine how good it is. I once went to a Rob Da Bank curated halloween party in Peckham and it was one of the best nights of my life (Rave vs. Hoedown, I can't make that up). So I imagine it's like that one night, spread over an entire weekend. Sighs.
If you are lucky enough to be travelling to the good ol' Isle of Wight to go to Bestival, and you're not 100% sure of what to pack, check back to my post on Festival sort-of-essentials. It's sort of helpful...
So now we part ways with festivals for another year, it's been fun. Don't stop dancing though! Because I said so.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Pop Culture Chat
This is the fifth week of my metaphorical water-cooler series! Holy sh*t!? There's four others...? Yes, yes there is. It's basically my opinions and round up of the weekly entertainment news. How fetch! So if you don't have time during the week to sit and figure out just what J. Law is doing (having her nudes leaked apparently... sad face), or what new songs should be on your iPod, then this is the place for you pals (maybe).
Pop royalty is back; PRINCE. Yaaaas. He's only gone and announced that two new albums are to be released next month, zomg. What a little hard worker. One is just a straight up Prince album titled ART OFFICIAL AGE with two songs available to preview; Clouds and Breakdown. Both very RnBish and Soul-y, well it sounds like Prince really. The second album is with his touring band 3RDEYEGAL called PLECTRUMELECTRUM. This CAPS LOCK heavy album is much more my sound, the single PRETZELBODYLOGIC is just pure dirty funk rock. I feel like a total badass whenever I put it on. Pop on your metaphorical platform boots and strut your shit around. Both of the albums are due for release end of September- queue Glasto 2015 rumours... (here's hoping).
Pop royalty is back; PRINCE. Yaaaas. He's only gone and announced that two new albums are to be released next month, zomg. What a little hard worker. One is just a straight up Prince album titled ART OFFICIAL AGE with two songs available to preview; Clouds and Breakdown. Both very RnBish and Soul-y, well it sounds like Prince really. The second album is with his touring band 3RDEYEGAL called PLECTRUMELECTRUM. This CAPS LOCK heavy album is much more my sound, the single PRETZELBODYLOGIC is just pure dirty funk rock. I feel like a total badass whenever I put it on. Pop on your metaphorical platform boots and strut your shit around. Both of the albums are due for release end of September- queue Glasto 2015 rumours... (here's hoping).
I've had little time for TV this week but when I have managed to set my peepers on the telly box, it's been for Celebrity Big Brother. (Audience boos). Say what you want but a bit of reality TV never hurt anyone and I, for one, find it bloomin' entertaining. This summer's line up isn't particularly dipping it's toes in the A-List pool, but when does it ever? I don't think that celebrity status matters because this mix of people is just perfect viewing. All I can tell you is Gary Busey. I spend 50% of the time wanting to slap him and the other 50% wanting to hug him, bless his little heart. It's worth a watch just to get your brain around how his brain works! Good luck to him and everyone that has to live with him!! I'm not sure I could... See for yourself on Channel Five every evening (UK).
Other TV news is that The X Factor is back and so are all the people on the interwebs writing about it. (Holla). Instead I thought I'd direct you to this amazing find by 'The Lad Bible' (usually the type of forum I stay clear of because they are often terribly offensive but this was too funny not to post). I couldn't find a way of embedding it to the post because it's from Facebook but click this sentence for the link yo'. You won't be disappointed, especially you tea drinkers...
I'm not one to make comment on what a woman does with her hair, because quite frankly it's their decision and their hair and they can do whatever they like. I cannot not comment on (and applaud) super-mega-babe, and current girl crush, Lena Dunham for her new 'do. Serial bowl-cut gal has gone platinum and it looks so amazingly amazing. I'm ready to call the 'dressers and bleach my hair to nothing. Lena's hair looked even more amazingly amazing when she was in Italia this week, serving up some 60s diva realness. Here's the look she shared on her instagram and I love everything about it; the hair, the lipstick, the shirt, the glasses, the backdrop. Sigh. We'll never be so chic. She also revealed via instagram a teaser for the new series of Girls. I cannot flippin' wait. ARGH. Until then I might just make this my phone screen wallpaper, *swoons*...
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Am I only dreaming? Or is this burning, an eternal.... wait, nope. I'm not dreaming. Half of the Friends cast did sort of reunite on a sort of set. Thank you Jimmy Kimmel for making this sort of a reality! I'm both torn knowing that a Friends reunion would ruin Friends but I still want it so bad! Just can't help it. Jennifer doesn't seem too happy which makes for a little uncomfortable viewing (see if you can see her mouth f*ck in protest), but it's the closest thing we got to a proper reunion! Huzzah. When I make my fortune (and that day will come), I shall invest a certain amount in building a friends replica set. Because I want to. Who doesn't want to have bacon sarni in the Monica's kitchen? Exactly. Here's the slightly awkward but ah-may-zing footage from the show;
Last little thing, I'm totally in love with Grimes' new release 'Go'. Plus the video is braid-tastic. Can't really ask for much more. Have a cheeky dance to this little one-
That's all of my things for this week, I'm probably missing some really important things but there's enough things here to be entertained for a short while. This week I plan to post about my top picks for Bestival and probably some other fabby things! (However, I will be moving house and who knows what's gonna go down with the internet so bear with me if I'm not about all the time. Bear with me, because I said so! x
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Top Buns
Holy sh*t, it's National Burger Day! Another one of those pesky designated days that go slipping by... well not this time! Although, I was awake early enough to catch the twitter-sphere in action, I'll still probably not do anything about it. Instead, I'm going to tell you about my top five burgers! (yes I have a list). That's if I don't get too hungry and abandon writing in search of a burger (which is verrrrry likely).
First things first (I'm the realist). A realist knows the place to look for a bloody good burger would have to be the big ol' chain and burger enthusiast- Gourmet Burger Kitchen. Me-oh-my do they put on a good spread. My burger of choice has to be the Camemburger! It's got bloomin' camembert in it (and a hash brown!!?!) ((and a brioche bun)). Both punny and delicious, it's my top pick forever. It's a little on the 'expenny side at £9.75 without any sides, but if you hang about until they do the two for £10 deals (upgrade to RH burgers for an extra £1.50), then you're looking at only paying £6.50. Huzzah! Student genius. Their skinny fries are pretty fabulous too.
Next burger on my hit list has to be from the Meat Mission menu. My word, they know how to do a burger! I popped over to Old Street for a pal's birthday not too long ago and found out how incredible their food tastes. They're not wrong to compare it to a religious experience, it's something holy. From their 'Baptism' menu it's all about the Hippie Fries. No clue what the sauce is but it's yum. From the 'Communion' menu I'm all for the classic Cheeseburger at £7.50. It's simple, but it's definitely effective. Thank God I found this one because I'm definitely a convert. (They do deliveries and take away too, omg).
Line up with your tray like you would back in school with your pals to have a full on regression session at Shake Shack in Covent Garden! It really serves up some canteen realness, but it ain't no school dinner let me tell ya'. Its simple diner style burger and fries are all you need, so damn tasty! 100% worth a spot on my top five list. Although I'm lactose intolerant I still ate the cheese burger because it looked so damn tasty, it was worth it (consequences and all), delicious. You're looking at forking out around £7 for the burger fries combo but can just pick up a lone burger if you fancy it.
For something a little cheaper I'm looking at my local Wetherspoons to give me my burger fix. If you're a student you'll already have your set meal from the menu. We all do, it's fine. It's probably from their burger section because it comes with a drinks deal, and that's really all we're looking for. I'd pick the trusted plain burger (I sometimes go for the chicken to change it up a bit), then add my own toppings. S'all about cheese and onion rings. Need I say anything else? It's £5.95 (I think), with sides and drink included. The ultimate student deal.
Finally, how could it not be on here... It's helped me through many hangovers and has been my go to drunk order on many nights out. It rarely varies in taste, it's always just as greasy, serving burger badness to new levels. It's the McDonald's Double Cheeseburger. It's so bad it's good and I'm okay with that. It's £1.49, you know exactly what you're getting, why complain? It will never look like the picture, it will always be squashed and misshapen and stuck together with too much processed cheese. But sometimes, you just need proper junk food. All hail the double cheeseburger! (So glorious).
So there we have it pals! It's my top pick of burgers on National Burger Day, how original! Comment and let me know your fave places to indulge in burger-y goodness. Go out and treat yo'self to something meaty, because I said so. Happy eating!
First things first (I'm the realist). A realist knows the place to look for a bloody good burger would have to be the big ol' chain and burger enthusiast- Gourmet Burger Kitchen. Me-oh-my do they put on a good spread. My burger of choice has to be the Camemburger! It's got bloomin' camembert in it (and a hash brown!!?!) ((and a brioche bun)). Both punny and delicious, it's my top pick forever. It's a little on the 'expenny side at £9.75 without any sides, but if you hang about until they do the two for £10 deals (upgrade to RH burgers for an extra £1.50), then you're looking at only paying £6.50. Huzzah! Student genius. Their skinny fries are pretty fabulous too.
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(Source: Camemburger- GBK at Bluewater |
Next burger on my hit list has to be from the Meat Mission menu. My word, they know how to do a burger! I popped over to Old Street for a pal's birthday not too long ago and found out how incredible their food tastes. They're not wrong to compare it to a religious experience, it's something holy. From their 'Baptism' menu it's all about the Hippie Fries. No clue what the sauce is but it's yum. From the 'Communion' menu I'm all for the classic Cheeseburger at £7.50. It's simple, but it's definitely effective. Thank God I found this one because I'm definitely a convert. (They do deliveries and take away too, omg).
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For something a little cheaper I'm looking at my local Wetherspoons to give me my burger fix. If you're a student you'll already have your set meal from the menu. We all do, it's fine. It's probably from their burger section because it comes with a drinks deal, and that's really all we're looking for. I'd pick the trusted plain burger (I sometimes go for the chicken to change it up a bit), then add my own toppings. S'all about cheese and onion rings. Need I say anything else? It's £5.95 (I think), with sides and drink included. The ultimate student deal.
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So there we have it pals! It's my top pick of burgers on National Burger Day, how original! Comment and let me know your fave places to indulge in burger-y goodness. Go out and treat yo'self to something meaty, because I said so. Happy eating!
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